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31 Portland Road
Gray, ME 04039
Practice Logo
31 Portland Road
Gray, ME 04039
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Starting Your Own Office

Starting your own office can be a challenging yet extremely profitable and wise decision if you handle it properly. With the right team in place, you can hit the ground running with low overhead and none of the bad habits that often plaque an older office. Since we have built two de novo offices, we can help you spend money in the right places and maximize your savings while building a cutting-edge office. We will help with the location planning, practice marketing, website creation, team hiring/training, office design and have a plan to accommodate your office as you grow. There is no reason we cant get you from zero to $2 million in two years.

In short, I took over an office in Gray, ME (8k pop) that was doing $600k a year in production and was able to get the office to over $2 million in production (98% collection rate) in two years working 3.5 days a week (2FD, 3HYG, 2DA, 1DR). I then opened two de-novo offices which did over $100k in their first month with a full-time DR and they should also be at $2million by the end of 2022. My staff overhead is between 15-25% for each of the 3 offices (as of Q4 2021), we have an excellent marketing program (tons of 5 star Google reviews) and a solid management team. We have learned how to hire the right people and how to train quickly and efficiently. My team is paid well (HYG $45-$48/hr based on bonuses) and we try to send the team away for paid CE every other year.

Ready to take the next step?